E-mail: info@climbingnyiragongo.com | Phone: +256 39 2 159498

Nyiragongo Trek

If you want to be dumbfounded by the power of nature, Virunga National Park through Climbing Nyiragongo must be number one on your bucket list. Virunga National Park has been one of the best places I’ve ever visited.

Going to see the gorillas in Virunga is the best thing I’ve ever done, and I’m sure nothing will ever change that. Throw in a challenging hike to the world’s largest lava lake, and you’ll get to understand why I have a soft spot for Virunga.

Mount Nyiragongo is an active volcano and after hiking to an elevation of 3,470 m, you’ll be rewarded by the sight of the largest lava lake on the planet. If this is the dark continent, then staring down into bubbling lava in the Congo must be like peeking into the heart of darkness.

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